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Yellow Belly Dog Face Puffer (4-5")

Yellow Belly Dog Face Puffer (4-5")

Regular price $149.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $149.95 USD
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Arothron nigropunctatus


Dogface Puffers are great aquarium fish that are well suited for the home aquarium because it stays relatively small for a puffer. It is also generally not aggressive. It can be kept with other members of the genus and more than one individual can even be kept in a larger tank if they are added at the same time. It is a rather shy fish when first added to the aquarium, therefore, you will need to provide appropriate shelter for it to hide in. With time, it will spend more time in the open becoming a great aquarium fish. Once it is fully adjusted to the aquarium it is a hardy fish that can do great in a community tank with bold fishes such as triggers, groupers and wrasse. Feed it meaty foods including shellfish with the shell on to keep their large teeth worn down. Do not keep with invertibrates!

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