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Naso Tang Streamer Male (11-12")

Naso Tang Streamer Male (11-12")

Regular price $799.65 USD
Regular price Sale price $799.65 USD
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Naso lituratus -


The Naso tang is brown or grayish overall with a yellow dorsal fin, orange "lips" and orange tail spines. Very large males have long filaments on the upper and lower lobes of the tail, and command a very high price. Juveniles don't have the orange details yet.


This handsome fish is very active; thus, it is important to provide it with plenty of swimming space and a large tank  (minimum 150 gallons). It also needs suitable hiding places. In nature it feeds almost entirely on brown macroalgae and should be offered a wide a variety of foods in the aquarium, including plenty of algae. When stressed it develops a blotchy color pattern. It is usually not overly aggressive toward its tankmates, except possibly members of its own kind

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