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Multi-barred Pygmy Angelfish (2-3")

Multi-barred Pygmy Angelfish (2-3")

Regular price $99.00 USD
Regular price $149.95 USD Sale price $99.00 USD
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Centropyge multifasciatus


The Multibarred Angelfish is also known as the Many Banded Angelfish and Banded Multifasciatus Angel. It has individual black and yellow vertical bands arranged in an "every other" fashion, with a thin stipe of white bordering each black band. The tail is white to yellow with small black speckles. A juvenile can be distinguished by a blue eyespot at the back of the dorsal fin.


The Multibarred Angelfish requires a minimum tank size of 30 gallons with plenty of hiding places and live rock for grazing. This angelfish is best kept as the only species member in a tank. Not a good reef dweller, the Many Banded Angelfish is prone to nip at stony and soft corals (sessile invertebrates) and clam mantles.


The Multibarred Angelfish can be a finicky eater; it prefers a variety of small meaty items, angelfish and herbivore preparations, and live sponges. These eating habits and the trait of becoming somewhat territorial upon acclimatization, make this a challenging fish to keep.

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