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Evansi Anthias

Evansi Anthias

Regular price $99.00 USD
Regular price $129.95 USD Sale price $99.00 USD
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Microlabrichthys evansi This bright and colorful marine fish has a peaceful nature and does well with other non-aggressive fish of the same variety. If keeping more than one Evansi, it is best to have one male with several females in a 125 gallon tank. If kept alone, a 25 gallon tank is sufficient. But, like most anthias, these do best in groups of 3 or more. Anthias species all share the trait of being hermaphroditic. The most dominant female of a group will morph to become the dominant male. In a reef environment, plankton comprises the bulk of their diet. Supplementing with zooplankton or artemia can increase the probability of successful maintenance of this fish, since it may have difficulty digesting other commercial diets. The Evansi Anthias is most appropriate for advanced hobbiests.

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