Carpenter Flasher Wrasse
Carpenter Flasher Wrasse
Paracheilinus carpenteri The Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse, also known as the Carpenter's Wrasse, or Redfin Flasher Wrasse, is orange with blue vertical stripes as a juvenile. As the fish matures and becomes an adult, the coloration becomes yellow with a series of broken blue horizontal stripes. The dorsal fin features three elongated rays and is red in color accented with yellows and blues. The colors of the adult males intensify when in courtship, whereas the females coloration and overall appearance are more subdued. The females also do not feature the large dorsal and anal fins. The Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse requires a 30 gallon or larger aquarium with a tight-fitting lid since it is a jumper. A grouping is acceptable and often recommended, since the females will encourage the male to perform colorful displays. It is best to keep it with peaceful tank mates.