Achilles Tang |Acanthurus Achilles | 3-4"
Achilles Tang |Acanthurus Achilles | 3-4"
Achilles Tang |Acanthurus Achilles - Care
Achilles Tang (Acanthurus Achilles) are moderately difficult to keep. They seem to be more delicate than the yellow or blue tangs. It is important that you feed Tangs a good variety of live, frozen, and prepared formula foods with emphasis on vegetable and spirulina. Best to feed small amounts several times a day. Nori in a seaweed clip is ideal.
Achilles Tang |Acanthurus Achilles - Tank requirements
In the aquarium the Achilles Tang (Acanthurus Achilles) can get territorial especially if another tang is added to a tank with an already established achilles. This is especially true of another acanthurus tang. On the other hand, if you already have tangs, you have to be sure they don't pick on a newly added achilles. If pestered, they can hide and wither from lack of eating.
They grow quite large (11") and need lots of swimming room, and water movement. 125 gallon tank minimum please.